The Spectator
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)
16 Sep 2020
Eye Health
If you google Meibomian Gland dysfunction the first page is full of references to Blepharitis. This is because they are very closely related. Our gland in are eyelids produce a very important element of our tears, basically the oily part that holds our tears together to keep them in the eyes and reduced their evaporation.
When this layer reduces this causes either eye tears to become more watery and end up on our cheeks or to evaporate quickly to leave us with a gritty feeling in our eyes or both. If we have MGD due to the lack of tear production and flow we are far more likely to have Blepharitis, this is due to our tears not flushing though our eyes and glands in our eyelids and allowing bacteria and pathogens to take hold and create the red inflamed or crusty appearance that is common with Blepharitis.